Our Services

3PL, TPL, Tredjepartslogistik

Logistics Consulting

Within Logent Consulting, we provide expertise and advice in our various service areas.


Within Warehousing, we develop, design and operate dedicated contract logistics services developed based on our customers’ needs.

Production Logistics

Within Production Logistics, we offer development and operation of all or parts of the internal logistics for producing units.

Transport Management

Logent Transport Management strengthens your logistics department by designing, administering and continuously streamlining transport logistics as a long-term partner.


Customs Services

Logent Customs is one of the Nordics’ leading customs agents and a natural partner for all types of customs matters. We guarantee cost efficiency with a focus on quality and tailored solutions.

Ports & Terminals

Logent Ports & Terminals operates and develops port and terminal operations.


We are specialists in staffing within warehouses, logistics, distribution and industry.
We offer our clients the right skills profile, at the right time, at the right market price.


Our recruitment and interim services are provided by experienced logistics and HR specialists, where our customers can count on cost benefits and continuous development.

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About Logent

We are the market leader in contract logistics in the Nordics with a unique method and wide range of services. We create value for our customers through guaranteed cost and quality improvements. We are an independent party without our own infrastructure and tailor the solution based on the customer’s needs. Our solutions are centered around long-termism and sustainability.

Contact us

Logent AB
Hammarby Kaj 14
120 30 Stockholm