Customs Services

Complex customs regulations can be a challenge for companies dealing with international trade. An experienced customs broker will help your company optimize customs processes, reduce the risk of costly mistakes and ensure compliance with all import and export rules.

What is a customs representative?

A customs broker is a service where an expert in customs matters handles your company’s customs clearances and acts as a link between your company and the relevant authorities. By using a customs broker, your company can ensure that all import and export processes are carried out quickly and correctly. An efficient customs broker helps avoid fines, delayed deliveries and unnecessary costs, as well as ensuring that you always comply with the latest customs rules.


By optimizing customs procedures, the customs broker can reduce import and export costs, leading to more cost-effective logistics.

Saving time

The customs process can be both time-consuming and complicated. A customs representative takes care of the administrative part, freeing up your time to focus on your core business.

Risk management

A customs representative has knowledge of the rules and procedures, reducing the risk of costly errors, delays and fines.

Flexibility and scalability

For businesses that need customs warehousing solutions, a customs broker can ensure that goods are handled efficiently and comply with all legal requirements, helping to increase flexibility in warehouse management.

Logent’s customs brokerage services

At Logent, we are specialists in customs management and customs warehousing solutions. We offer customs brokerage services to companies of all sizes – from strategic advice to day-to-day administration. From customs clearance to customs warehousing, our customs agents work closely with you to create a smooth customs process.

Our services are supported by automatic solutions such as EDI – against your ERP/WMS and OCR integrations.

Customs declarations

  • Import
  • Export
  • Transits
  • Customs warehouse declarations
  • Special procedures

Duty Drawback

  • Creation of a tailor-made solution adapted to your conditions
  • Automated customs processing
  • Creation of returns management database
  • Matching of previous customs ID
  • Dialogue with carriers/authorities


  • Permission management
  • Support for customs audits
  • New customs rules and procedures
  • Strategic customs decisions

Other Services

  • Intrastat reporting
  • Automated filing portal
  • Origin management
  • Re-examinations
  • Classification

Our process

With long experience of customs handling in the Nordic region, we have built a well-functioning concept for anyone with a business that requires customs handling. With our on-boarding process, we offer free analysis for your customs flow today and tailor a new solution and then implement this solution.

  • We identify areas for improvement in your customs handling
  • We design optimized processes for your customs handling
  • We count on your annual savings right down to the bottom line.
  • We produce “Standard Operating Procedure” and routine descriptions.
  • We project start-up and engage in dialogue with relevant 3rd parties (such as transporter, 3PL or similar)
  • We adapt to your conditions. Not the other way around!
  • We are adding a dedicated group for your feeds.
  • If necessary, you will have your own contact person (KAM) who is responsible for you.
  • Go-Live!

Book a meeting to find out more about how Customs Services can help your business!

Looking to optimize your customs management? Book a meeting with one of our experts at Logent Customs to get a tailor-made solution that fits your specific needs. We offer flexible customs services that simplify and streamline your customs process – from customs clearance and declarations to regulatory and sustainability advice. Together, we turn your customs challenges into competitive advantages, with full control and confidence at every step. Let us help you take the next step towards smoother and more efficient customs management!

Contact persons

Henrik Hansson Business Area President, Customs Services

Anton Andersson Business Development Manager, Customs

Niels Bonde Larsen Customs Manager, Denmark

Caroline Spetsmark Sales Manager, Customs

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Estrella är tillverkare av tilltugg, bland annat potatischips, ostbågar, jordnötter, jordnötsringar och olika dippsåser.

Då Estrellas verksamhet varit i kraftig tillväxtfas har man blivit tvungen att flytta delar av sin chipsproduktion till modersällskapet i Norge. Potatischips är tullbelagda med 14% och med Logents hjälp under passiv förädling kunde denna 14-procentiga kostnadsökning elimineras och chips återimporteras med tullfrihet.

Då Logent står för strategisk rådgivning, tillståndsansökningar, design av lösningen samt tulldeklarationerna har Estrella kunnat fokusera på sin huvudverksamhet – att producera chips!

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Instabox är en frakttjänst som finns i utvalda nätbutiker. Instabox fraktar ditt paket till något av deras hundratals smarta skåp, oftast samma dag som du lägger beställningen.

Instabox och Logents samarbete sträcker sig tillbaka till 2019 då Instabox lanserade sitt koncept på den norska marknaden. Logent hjälpte Instabox i de tulltekniska aspekterna av etableringen och tog ett helhetsansvar för tullhanteringen.

Logent implementerade sitt beprövade koncept för effektiv returhantering på Instabox kunder vilket skapade stora besparingar i tullavgifter som i de flesta fall var orealiserade hos tidigare leverantör.

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Want to hear more about our services?

Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you need help with any of the questions below, please visit

  • Employer’s certificate
  • Apply for vacancies
  • Copy of customs declaration

About Logent

We are the market leader in contract logistics in the Nordic region with a unique approach and wide range of services. We create value for our customers through guaranteed cost and quality improvements. We are an independent party without our own infrastructure and tailor the solution based on the customer’s needs. Our solutions are centered on the long term and sustainability.

Contact us

Logent AB Hammarby Kaj 14 120 30 Stockholm