
Within Warehousing, we develop, design and operate dedicated contract logistics services developed based on our customers’ needs.

In partnership with our customers, we create a tailored and scalable logistics solution that can be adapted to changing needs over time. We have broad and comprehensive competence to implement and operate development projects and the establishment of logistics properties as well as create and operate efficient operational solutions.

Our process

With long experience from dedicated contract logistics, we have built a market-unique offer for customers who place high demands on their logistics, where we have been able to contribute and support the entire journey from preliminary study to efficient operation.

Concept & feasibility study
  • Formulate the customer’s situation and challenge
  • Collect data to understand management, processes and scope of the deal
  • Develop concept incl. Layout, automation and size
  • Scenario development and built-in scalability
  • Initial business case
  • Presentation on continued dialogue

Based on the outcome of the concept and preliminary study, the customer makes a decision to proceed with a detailed study and agreement with Logent.

Analysis & design
  • Comprehensive study and further processing of the preliminary study
  • Acquisition and verification of supplementary data
  • Detailing of processes and productivity calculations
  • Central of gravity analysis and selection of property/plot
  • Involve suppliers to prepare sharp case
  • Detailing and presentation of the business case

After a detailed analysis and design phase, a finished solution is ready for implementation.

Implementation & operation
  • Purchase, negotiate and place orders for inventory, racking, trucks and possibly automation
  • Establishment and takeover of property
  • Ongoing management of the project in the project forum
  • Ongoing implementation of the logistics solution
  • Set of networks, WMS systems
  • Carry out trial period
  • Add staff
  • Initiate ramp-up and Go live

After the implementation phase, the solution is commissioned and handed over to Logent’s operations organization.

Book a meeting and find out how our Warehousing service can streamline your company’s inventory management!

Looking to optimize your warehouse processes and improve sustainability? Book a meeting with one of our experts to get a tailored solution through our flexible and scalable Warehousing service. We tailor our services to your unique needs – whether it’s warehouse optimization, cost efficiency or increasing the flow of goods. Together, we turn your logistical challenges into competitive advantages, with full control and sustainability at every step. Let us take the next step in optimizing your warehouse management!

Contact persons

Eric Sandgren
Vice President, Business Development

Johan Edström
Business Development Director

Carl-Henrik Jönsson
Business Development Director

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Beijer Byggmaterial är en av Sveriges ledande aktörer för försäljning av byggmaterial i första hand mot proffssegmentet. Bolaget har haft en kraftig tillväxt de senaste åren och omsatte 2022 ca 10 miljarder SEK.

Beijer var i behov av en ny centrallagerlösning för att säkerställa framtida tillväxt och leveransförmåga. Logent fick uppdraget att designa, implementera och drifta det nya centrallagret i Eskilstuna.

Partnerskapet mellan Beijer och Logent har resulterat i utvecklingen av ett toppmodernt och framtidssäkrat centrallager med automation, tågförbindelse och solceller mm. Anläggning är under uppförande och beräknas tas i drift Q1 2024

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NA-KD är ett svenskt modeföretag med fokus på klädförsäljning via e-handel. NA-KD har sedan starten 2015 haft stark tillväxt och bland de 20 snabbast växande företagen i Europa.

NA-KD har sedan 2020 sitt svenska lager i Landskrona som Logent designat, implementerat och idag driftar. NA-KDs kraftiga expansion har skapat behov av att etablera verksamhet längre ut i eruropa och Logent har fått uppgiften att sätta upp även det nya lagret i Nederländerna.

NA-KDs och Logents långsiktiga strategiska partnerskap har lett till etableringen av en ny, toppmodern och självförsörjande fastighet i östra Nederländerna med närhet till tex. den tyska och syd-europeiska marknaden.

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Volvo Cars är en global tillverkare av personbilar. Bolaget konstruerar och bygger bilar utifrån delar som tillverkas och levereras i Volvos egna emballage. Emballaget cirkulerar mellan leverantören och Volvos producerande enheter.

Logent fick i uppdrag att designa, implementera och drifta Volvos emballageterminal i anslutning till verksamheten i Torslanda i Göteborg. Anläggningen har hög grad av automatisering med två robotlinor som går dygnet runt.

Den nya anläggningen som Logent satt upp har haft stora positiva effekter för Volvo med >25% kostnadsreducering. Lösningen är skalbar och kan anpassas efter Volvos framtida behov och förändrade volymer. Anläggningen togs i drift 2016.

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Want to hear more about our services?

Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you need help with any of the questions below, please visit logent.se/faq

  • Employer’s certificate
  • Apply for vacancies
  • Copy of customs declaration

About Logent

We are the market leader in contract logistics in the Nordics with a unique method and wide range of services. We create value for our customers through guaranteed cost and quality improvements. We are an independent party without our own infrastructure and tailor the solution based on the customer’s needs. Our solutions are centered around long-termism and sustainability.

Contact us

Logent AB
Hammarby Kaj 14
120 30 Stockholm